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             64-13161, Boeing build number B-133, was a CH-47A helicopter. The U.S. Army acceptance date was 18 November 1965. 64-13161 accumulated 2,132.0 aircraft hours.

   At some point, 64-13161 was assigned to the 205th Assault Support Helicopter Company - "Geronimos", in the Republic of Vietnam (RVN), and remained there unitl it was lost on 30 August 1969.

   While on a mission near Nui Dat, in support of the Australians, 64-13161 was on approach to a Landing Zone (LZ) when it crashed. When 64-13161 flared to decelerate, it started over backwards, crashing tail first into the ground. The cause factors for the crash are unknown. All five of the crew members were killed.

   The last known location of 64-13161 was in the Republic of Vietnam.

   Aircraft status: Crashed.



          This aircraft was piloted by:


          CW2 Robert Vernon Gray, Aircraft Commander, 1969 (KIA)


          CW2 Marvin Jean Butterfield, Pilot, 1969 (KIA)


          Your Name Here.



          This aircraft was crewed by:


          SP5 James Franklin Mott, Flight Engineer, 1969 (KIA)


          SGT Gregory Neese Trimnal, Crew Chief, 1969 (KIA)


          SP4 Scott Mitchell Verner, Door Gunner, 1969 (KIA)


          Your Name Here.



             If anyone has pictures or information on CW2 Robert V. Gray please contact Sue Thompson, Gray's niece, at, as well as the staff here at



          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


          Comments or Questions ? Email the Webmaster. Email the Webmaster.    


Last updated: 09/16/2017 14:49:33