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          Boeing CH-47 Chinook Screen Savers



Round and Round and Round they go...

          Where am I ?


             Welcome to the CH-47 Screen Saver Page. The link below points to a virus free Windows 95/98/2000/ME/XP screen saver. The file is self installing as is - simply download the installation file and double click on it to install. Sound and video is included in the screen saver. The sound may be muted by configuring it accordingly in your Windows Desktop Control Panel.

PLEASE NOTE: You must change the file extension from .ex_ to .exe after downloading the file. (Some operating systems prohibit the downloading of .exe files.)



 Download File: CH-47 Screen Saver (~6.8 Mb, 24 January 2003) 



 Click-N-Download the CH-47 photographs zipfile [~ 5.8 Mb, 24 March 2005]. 



             The CH-47 photographs zipfile contains all of the images in the screen saver. It will be updated routinely as new photographs are received, so one may want to check back often. Currently, there are 101 photographs, all in jpeg (.jpg) format, contained in the file.

PLEASE NOTE: You must change the file extension from .zi_ to .zip after downloading the file. (Some operating systems prohibit the downloading of .zip files.)



The mighty CH-47D Chinook helicopter.

          Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



          Related Sites


          Boeing CH-47 Chinook Photographs



          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


          Comments or Questions ? Email the Webmaster. Email the Webmaster.    


Last updated: 12/23/2016 23:51:33