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          Boeing CH-47 Chinook Nose Art



The nose art of 89-00138, circa July 2002.


          " American Pie " - The nose art of 89-00138, circa July 2002.



SFC Hootie McBoob says - "Hey, take me for a spin".
   This page is dedicated to the Flight Engineer - you know, the fella that really owns the helicopter.



             Hey - Crewmembers ! Please send us a photograph of you standing next to your bird. If you have Nose Art, send that in too! We are looking to build a Nose Art and Crewmember photo section. Don't forget to tell us who you are, where you are, the date the photo was taken, and the tail number of your aircraft.



             If you can identify the unknown aircraft and nose art on this page, please let us know...



Unknown soldier in Vietnam, circa 1969.


             An unknown soldier in Vietnam, circa 1969. The writing on the back of the Flak Jacket reveals the mood of the time. The caption near the bottom of the jacket reads "Fun Travel Adventure". Some folks know it has another meaning as well.



CH-47C 67-18458 "Nancy Lee" - Vietnam, circa 1968.


             Chinook helicopter 67-18458 - "Nancy Lee", in the Republic of Vietnam, circa 1968.



CH-47A 65-08024 in the Republic of Vietnam, circa 1968.


             CH-47A 65-08024 - "Running Scared", in the Republic of Vietnam, circa 1968.



ACH-47A 64-13151 "Stump Jumper" - Vietnam, circa 1966.


             Chinook helicopter 64-13151 "Stump Jumper" in the Republic of Vietnam.



CH-47A 66-19041 "The Grunt Wagon" - Vietnam, circa 1968.


             Larry L. Costley SP4 (27 Jul 47 - 3 Oct 68), Flight Engineer on CH-47A 66-19041 - "The Grunt Wagon". Larry's crew and all six passengers were killed in a "mid-air" with a C-7A Caribou at Camp Evans, in the Republic of Vietnam. The Grunt Wagon was on the daily shuttle run and had just departed LZ Nancy and was landing at Camp Evans. All personnel aboard both aircraft perished.



CH-47D "Betty's Bird" - Desert Storm, circa 1991.


             WO1 Jeff Brown standing in the main cabin doorway of his pride and joy - "Betty's Bird" [tail number unknown] during Operation Desert Shield / Storm (1990-1991).



CH-47C 71-20955 "Widow Maker" -  Korea, circa 1983.


             71-20955 - "Widow Maker", circa 1983. The Flight Engineer was Carl Heck and the Crew Chief was Kevin Pate.



"Charlie Chopper" - Vietnam, circa 1969.


             "Charlie Chopper" - tail number unknown.



"Pray for Piece" - Vietnam, circa 1969.


             "Pray for Piece" - tail number unknown.



"Green Dragon" - Vietnam, circa 1969.


             "Green Dragon" - tail number unknown.



"The Horny Hooker" - Vietnam, circa 1969.


             "Horny Hooker" - tail number unknown.



"Calif." - Vietnam, circa 1969.


          Unknown Tail Number.



"C Ration Sall" - Vietnam, circa 1969.


             "C Ration Sall" - tail number unknown.



"C Ration Sall" - Vietnam and Don Lunceford, circa 1969.


             "C Ration Sall", tail number unknown, and Don Lunceford in the Republic of Vietnam, circa 1969.



CH-47A 66-00074 [mislabeled as 66-60074 in artwork] "Happy Hippie" - Vietnam, circa 1969.


          66-00074 - "Happy Hippie", in the Republic of Vietnam, circa 1969.



Unknown artwork - Vietnam, circa 1969. Notice the number of apparent "Huey" sling loads transported.


          Unknown Tail Number.



Artwork on unknown crew member's flak jacket - Vietnam, circa 1971.


          Unknown Soldier.



Chinook ? 092's nose art, unknown date.


          Unknown Tail Numbers



The Nose Art of 90-00217 - A loss in Afghanistan.

          90-00217 - A loss in Afghanistan



The Nose Art of Marilyn Monroe.

             Marilyn Monroe - What tail number are you from? Click-N-Go Here to see a larger version of this image.






             Click-N-Go Here to view Nose Art from the 200th Assault Support Helicopter Company - "Pachyderms" during their days in the Republic of Vietnam (RVN).



          Big Windy



             Click-N-Go Here to view Nose Art from F Company, 159th Aviation Regiment - "Big Windy" during their involvement in the War on Terrorism.






             Click-N-Go Here to view Nose Art from 132nd Assault Support Helicopter Company (ASHC) - "Hercules" during their stay in Vietnam.



          Colorado Army National Guard



             Click-N-Go Here to view Nose Art from Detachment 1, Company E, 168th Aviation (HH).



             There is a lot more nose art available for your viewing pleasure in the individual Chinook tail number files. Simply go to the Search Engine and search on "nose art" to find more. Hint: Click on "exact phase" when selecting the search criteria.



             Please feel free to contribute your Nose Art to this page. We would love to have it. It doesn't have to be from the nose either, a cabin window, aft pylon shot, anything is most certainly welcome and very much appreciated.



          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


          Comments or Questions ? Email the Webmaster. Email the Webmaster.    


Last updated: 01/07/2021 22:26:44