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             66-19041, Boeing build number B-299, was a CH-47A helicopter. The U.S. Army acceptance date was 17 January 1967. The administrative strike date was 3 October 1968. 66-19041 accumulated at least 1,100.0 aircraft hours.

   At some point, 66-19041 was assigned to A Company - "Wildcats", 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion (ASHB), located at various time periods at either An Khe, Chu Lai, or Phu Bai, in the Republic of Vietnam (RVN), and remained there until it was lost due to an accident.

   On 3 October 1968, 66-19041 was lost in a mid-air collision with a C7A Caribou at Camp Evans, near Thua Thien.

   66-19041 had departed from Landing Zone (LZ) Nancy a few minutes before the accident.

   66-19041 was on approach for a landing at Camp Evans when it was struck in the rear rotor system by the Caribou, tail number 63-9753.

   The Caribou had just taken off from Camp Evans. The Caribou made a rather steep right bank turn upon take-off and headed back toward the airstrip and hit 66-19041 from behind. Both aircraft were travelling in the same direction.

   All personnel aboard both aircraft died in the incident.

   Jerry Lee Pierce Jr., who was aboard the Chinook and brother of Cathy Puvogel was killed.

   The last known location of 66-19041 was in the Republic of Vietnam.

   Aircraft status: Crashed.



          This aircraft was piloted by:


          CW2 Thomas Eugene Johnson, Aircraft Commander, 1968, (KIA).


          WO1 Ronald Lee Conroy, Copilot, 1968, (KIA).


          Your Name Here.



          This aircraft was crewed by:


          SP4 Larry L. Costly, Flight Engineer, 1968, (KIA).


          SP4 Jerry Lee Pierce Jr., Crew Chief, 1968, (KIA).


          SP4 Dennis Dean Reese, Door Gunner, 1968, (KIA).


          Your Name Here.



          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


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Last updated: 09/16/2017 14:58:26