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             67-18444, Boeing build number B-414, was a CH-47B helicopter. The U.S. Army acceptance date was 27 September 1967. 67-18444 accumulated 3,671.7 aircraft hours. At some point, through an unknown end date, 67-18444 was assigned to the 132nd Assault Support Helicopter Company (ASHC) - "Hercules", in the Republic of Vietnam. On 25 July 1986, 67-18444 was inducted into the D model program and converted to 86-01669. The last known location of 67-18444 was at Boeing during the conversion. Aircraft status: Converted to D model.



Boeing CH-47B - 67-18444.

             This photograph was taken in a landing zone (LZ) in November of 1969 near Chu Lai, Republic of Vietnam (RVN). The soldiers are waiting for a combat assault mission to begin. There were 12 Hooks, 24 Slicks and some Cobras involved. The aircraft was assigned to the 132nd Assault Support Helicopter Company (ASHC) - "Hercules". Above the aft pylon doors (partially exposed) is the Hercules patch, (the second version). The GI with the metal patch on the helmet visor was Mike Dondero, who was with the 132nd ASHC from August 1969 through August 1970.




             In the photograph above, 67-18444 is seen parked on 132nd ASHC flight line located at Chu Lai in 1971.



          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


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Last updated: 09/16/2017 15:22:20