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             An undated and unknown source newspaper article discussing the demise of Chinook helicopter 69-17119 in the Republic of Vietnam. The loss was Tuesday, 31 October 1972 and this article was probably written shortly thereafter. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger image.



             69-17119, Boeing build number B-634, was a CH-47C helicopter. The U.S. Army acceptance date was 28 September 1970. The administrative strike date was 31 October 1972. 69-17119 accumulated at least 992.0 aircraft hours. At some point, 69-17119 was assigned to 18th Combat Aviation Company (CAC) in the Republic of Vietnam (RVN), where it remained until it was lost due to enemy action on 31 October 1972. While operating in the Dinh Tuong Province with a crew of five and 17 passengers on board, 69-17119 was struck in flight by a SA-7 "Strella" shoulder launched heat seeking missile and was destroyed. There were no survivors. The last known location of 69-17119 was in the Republic of Vietnam. Aircraft status: Shot down in combat.



             The following is a partial listing of those thought to have been on the aircraft at the time of it's loss:



          CPT Steven D. Howard, AC.


          CW2 Ronald L. Vanlandingham, CP.


          SP5 David E. Wischemann, FE.


          SP4 Richard B. Freeman, CE.


          SP4 Timothy A. Thomas, DG.


          SP4 Raymond L. Goodchild.


          SP4 James D. Brown.


          SP4 Louis O. Calderon.


          SP4 Roger R. Chambliss.


          SP4 Milton C. Hunter.


          SP4 Charles L. Stewart Jr.


          SP4 Delbert R. Wood.



          This aircraft was piloted by:


          Your Name Here.



          This aircraft was crewed by:


          UNK John Sisson, FE, 1971 - 1972.


          Your Name Here.



          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


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Last updated: 09/16/2017 15:32:54