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Flippers unit patch, circa 2000.
Property of

C Company, 159th Aviation Regiment


Fort Bragg, North Carolina

1992 - 2005



After a rain storm, 85-24335 and 85-24336 dry out in Saudi Arabia, circa 1991.

          After a rain storm, 85-24335 and 85-24336 dry out in Saudi Arabia, circa 1991.



             85-24335, Boeing D model kit number M3105, was a CH-47D helicopter. The U.S. Army acceptance date was 12 March 1986. As of 24 November 1999, 85-24335 had accumulated 2,258.1 D model hours and 6,120.1 total aircraft hours.

   85-24335 was a conversion from the original A model Chinook 65-08014.

   On 8 March 1985, 85-24335 was inducted into the D model program, converted, and initially assigned to the unit that would eventually become C Company - "Flippers", 159th Aviation Regiment, 18th Aviation Brigade, Simmons Army Airfield, Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

   As of 6 April 2002, the 18th Aviation Brigade was located at Simmons Army Airfield, Fort Bragg, and was subordinate to the 18th Airborne Corps.

   The 18th Airborne Corps was subordinate to Forces Command (FORSCOM), which was a major command (MACOM) of 2nd Army.

   C Company was the former 196th Assault Support Helicopter Company (ASHC) - "Flippers".

   The 196th ASHC was redesignated A Company, 2nd Battalion, 159th Aviation Regiment in approximately 1988.

   In September 1996, 2nd Battalion was deactivated and the unit was redesignated A Company, 159th Aviation Regiment.

   In approximately November 1996, the unit was redesignated as C Company, 159th Aviation Regiment.

   During Operation Desert Shield / Storm (1990 - 1991), 85-24335 was deployed to Saudi Arabia.

   In late August 1992, 85-24335 deployed to south Florida for 30 days in support of Hurricane Andrew Disaster Relief Operations.

   During March through April 1993, 85-24335 self-deployed from Fort Bragg, North Carolina, across the Caribbean and through the Bahamas, to Camp Santiago, Puerto Rico, in support of Operation Ocean Venture 93.

   During this mission, 85-24335, piloted by then CW3 Mark S. Morgan with Flight Engineer SGT Ralph Wood, accumulated 69 mission hours without a single abort or mechanical problem. However, when the helicopter was put through the wash rack at Roosevelt Roads Naval Air Station, on the east side of Puerto Rico, with the Ramp Tongue in and the Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) still operating, things began to go wrong. The APU struggled to remain operational for the rest of the deployment.

   When 85-24335 completed the final leg of it's return trip into Simmons Army Airfield, the APU finally died during the aircraft shutdown procedure.

   At some point, 85-24335 deployed with the "Flippers" to the middle east theater in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

   On 2 July 2005, 85-24335 was lost near Ramadi, Iraq, due to an accident.

   While conducting a cargo transport mission at night under night vision goggles, 85-24335 sat down in a landing zone near Ramadi.

   A sister ship came in with a sling load and hovered nearby.

   The rotor wash from the second Chinook loosened the stakes securing the pad to the ground and one or more pads lifted into the rotor system causing the subsequent destruction of 85-24335.

   Of the crew of five and two passengers, there were some minor injuries, but no personnel were killed.

   When lost, 85-24335 was 38.74 years old.

   As of 2 July 2005, the last known location of 85-24335 was assigned to C Company, 159th Aviation Regiment, home stationed at Simmons Army Airfield, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and deployed to Iraq.

   Aircraft status: Crashed.



85-24335 somewhere in hell, Saudi Arabia during Operation Desert Shield / Storm, circa 1990-1991.

             85-24335 somewhere in hell, Saudi Arabia during Operation Desert Shield / Storm, circa 1990-1991.



85-24335 at Logistics Base (Log Base) Charlie, Saudi Arabia during Operation Desert Shield / Storm, circa 1990-1991.

             85-24335 in the Forward Area Refueling Point (FARP) at Logistics Base (Log Base) Charlie, Saudi Arabia during Operation Desert Shield / Storm.



A load for 85-24335 - an 82nd Airborne Division Humvee and 105 mm Howizter, during Operation Desert Shield / Storm, circa 1990-1991.

             A sling load for 85-24335 headed north to Forward Operating Base (FOB) Cobra - an 82nd Airborne Division Humvee and 105 mm Howizter, during Operation Desert Shield / Storm.



Members of the 82 Airborne Division gun crew on board 85-24335 headed to FOB Cobra, during Operation Desert Shield / Storm, circa 1990-1991.

             Members of the 82 Airborne Division gun crew on board 85-24335 headed to FOB Cobra, during Operation Desert Shield / Storm. SPC Rodgers was calling the load from the center cargo hook, SSG Curtis was manning the ramp area.



Iraqi Enemy Prisoners of War on board 85-24335 During Operation Desert Storm, circa 1991.

             What became a primary mission for transport helicopters during and after Operation Desert Storm was the movement of Enemy Prisoners of War (EPW's). Thousands, like those photographed above, were moved by CH-47 Chinook helicopters.



Somewhere in Saudi Arabia, during Operation Desert Storm, then CW2 Harry Champagne looked out the window of 85-24335. Say, what was that in his mouth?

             Somewhere in Saudi Arabia, during Operation Desert Storm, then CW2 Harry Champagne looked out the window of 85-24335.



The crew of 85-24335 make their home inside the cabin area.

             The crew of 85-24335 make their home inside the cabin area. Does anybody remember their names?



LTC Mulvenon (left) and SSG Shane Curtis standing in front of 85-24335 while deployed to the desert sand in Iraq, circa 1991.

             LTC Mulvenon (left) and SSG Shane Curtis standing in front of 85-24335 while deployed to the desert sand in Iraq, circa 1991.



SSG Shane Curtis (left), Flight Engineer, and WO1 Jay Watson near the main cabin door of 85-24335.

             SSG Shane Curtis (left), Flight Engineer, and WO1 Jay Watson near the main cabin door of 85-24335.



SPC Troy Stokes, Crew Chief on 85-24335, takes a shower on a rainy day in Iraq.

             SPC Troy Stokes, Crew Chief on 85-24335, takes a shower on a rainy day in Iraq.



85-24335 at the Pope Air Show - 1997.

          A Magnificent Aircraft


             Visitors to the 1997 Pope Air Force Base Open House enjoyed a tour of aircraft 85-24335. This helicopter attained world wide fame as it brought up the rear during the 1993 self deployment from Fort Bragg, North Carolina, across the Caribbean and through the Bahamas, to Camp Santiago, Puerto Rico, in support of Operation Ocean Venture. During this mission, 85-24335, piloted by CW3 Mark S. Morgan and crewed by Flight Engineer SGT Ralph Wood, accumulated 69 mission hours without a single abort or mechanical problem. During the air show, children of all ages and people from all walks of life captured a glimpse of this wonderful machine that sparked a gleam in their eyes and put a warm glow in their hearts.



Mr. Jean Ross Morgan, Age 5, sitting in the drivers seat of Chinook Helicopter 85-24335, Pope AFB Airshow, Summer 1997.

             Giving the thumbs up that he is ready to go, Mr. Jean Ross Morgan, Age 5, sits in the drivers seat of Chinook Helicopter 85-24335 at the Pope AFB Airshow, Summer 1997.



          Farewell Old Friend



The crash site of 85-24335 near Ramadi, Iraq.

             The crash site of 85-24335 near Ramadi, Iraq. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger version.



The crash site of 85-24335 near Ramadi, Iraq.

             The crash site of 85-24335 near Ramadi, Iraq. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger version.



          This aircraft was piloted by:


          CW2 James Lowman, Pilot in Command, 2005


          CW2 Davin Cox, Pilot, 2005


          CW2 - CW4 Mark S. Morgan, PI/PC/MTP/ME, 1992 - 1995 / 1997 - 2000


          WO1 / CW2 Dave McMahon, Pilot / Pilot in Command, 1986 - 1989


          Your Name Here.



          This aircraft was crewed by:


          SGT Gavin Schaffer, Flight Engineer, 2005


          SSG William Davis, Flight Engineer, 2005


          SPC Peter Tabil, Door Gunner, 2005


          SGT Daniel Yohnke, Flight Engineer, 1999 - 2000


          SGT Floyd Scott Patrick, Flight Engineer, 1990 - 1995


          SGT Ralph Wood, Flight Engineer, 1993


          SSG Chris Wolsifer, Flight Engineer, 1992


          SSG Shane Curtis, Flight Engineer, 1990 - 1991


          SPC Troy Stokes, Crew Chief, 1990 - 1991


          Your Name Here.



          Related Information


          Another Chinook lost on the Pad

          GEN-03-ASAM-02, 13 March 2003



          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


          Comments or Questions ? Email the Webmaster. Email the Webmaster.    


Last updated: 09/16/2017 16:01:57