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An article from the Killeen Daily Herald Newspaper discussing the return of 90-00217 to Fort Hood, Texas, after repair from the damage caused by high winds.

             An article from the Killeen Daily Herald Newspaper discussing the return of 90-00217 to Fort Hood, Texas, after repair from the damage caused by high winds. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger version of this image.



             90-00217, Boeing D model kit number M3369, was a CH-47D helicopter. The U.S. Army acceptance date was 28 June 1991. The administrative strike date was 24 April 2003. As of 21 December 2001, 90-00217 had accumulated 2,045.0 D model hours and 3,960.0 total aircraft hours. 90-00217 was a conversion from the original C model Chinook 68-15998. On 19 September 1990, 90-00217 was inducted into the D model program, converted, and initially assigned to the Fort Hood, Texas on or about 3 July 1991. At some point, 90-00217 was transferred to Fort Campbell, Kentucky, assigned to the 101st Airborne Division. At some point, 90-00217 was assigned to C Company - "Outlaws", 7th Battalion, 101st Aviation Regiment, 101st Aviation Brigade, 159th Aviation Group, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), located at Fort Campbell, and remained there until it was lost due to an accident. On 24 April 2003, while conducting a mission in support of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) in Afghanistan, 90-00217 suffered from the failure of the Number 1 Engine, followed by a severe hard landing. Due to the extent of the damage - which made the airframe uneconomical to repair, the airframe was later destroyed in-place to prevent use by the enemy. The structure of the airframe was damaged in multiple areas, to include most of the floor beams, bulkheads, and stringers. All four landing gear were damaged, as well as the rotor system. Of the 41 personnel on board, there were no injuries. As of 1 January 2002, this aircraft was 32.5 years old. As of 24 April 2003, the last known location of 90-00217 was in Afghanistan, assigned to the 101st Airborne Division. Aircraft status: Crashed.



             Below are photographs of 90-00217 at the crash site in Afghanistan showing the severe structural damage:



90-00217 after the engine failure/hard landing incident.

          Rotor Head and Blade Damage



90-00217 after the engine failure/hard landing incident.

          Rotor Head and Blade Damage



90-00217 after the engine failure/hard landing incident.

          Folded Aft Landing Gear



90-00217 after the engine failure/hard landing incident.

          Drive Train and Flight Controls Damage



90-00217 after the engine failure/hard landing incident.

          Rotor Head and Blade Damage



90-00217 after the engine failure/hard landing incident.

          Rotor Blade Damage



90-00217 after the engine failure/hard landing incident.

          Landing Gear and Belly Structure Damage



90-00217 after the engine failure/hard landing incident.

          Landing Gear and Fuel System Damage



The Nose Art of 90-00217 at the crash site after the engine failure/hard landing incident.

          The Nose Art of 90-00217



90-00217, as seen from above.

          90-00217, as seen from above.



90-00217, destroyed in situ.

          90-00217, destroyed in situ.



The final resting spot of 90-00217 after it was destroyed in place to prevent use by enemy forces.

          The Final Resting Spot after having been destroyed in place to prevent use by enemy forces.




             Anybody have a grid coordinate of the crash site? Please send us an email.



CW3 Rodney Swanson Receives

"Broken Wing" Award

          22 January 2004


CW3 Rodney Swanson recieves a "Broken Wing" award.

CW3 Rodney Swanson recieves a "Broken Wing" award.



          This aircraft was piloted by:


          Your Name Here.



          This aircraft was crewed by:


          SGT Glenn W. Meder, CE, November 1996 - January 1998.


          Your Name Here.



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Last updated: 09/16/2017 16:59:09