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CH-47D Chinook 91-00230 operating in Paraguay, 2001.

          CH-47D Chinook 91-00230 operating in Paraguay, 2001.


             91-00230, Boeing D model kit number M3379, was a CH-47D helicopter. The U.S. Army acceptance date was 31 October 1991. The administrative strike date was 2 November 2003. As of 22 June 2002, 91-00230 had accumulated at least 1,500.0 D model hours and 3,969.0 total aircraft hours. 91-00230 was a conversion from the original C model Chinook 71-20953. On 30 November 1990, 91-00230 was inducted into the D model program, converted, and initially scheduled for assignment to the Army National Guard, located in the State of Pennsylvania. At some point, 91-00230 was assigned to Detachment 1, Company F, 106th Aviation Battalion, Army National Guard, home based in Davenport, Iowa, where it remained until it was lost. At some point, 91-00230 deployed with Company F to Iraq in support of the "War on Terrorism". On 2 November 2003, 91-00230 was shot down by a surface to air missile, thought to have been an infra-red guided, shoulder fired SA-7 heat seeking missile. Both pilots were killed in the attack. One crew member sustained severe injuries and later died. One crew member survived. 13 passengers were killed in the attack. 26 passengers sustained injuries. The aircraft was transporting soldiers to Baghdad International Airport for the start of thier Rest and Relaxation (R & R) trips back in the United States. Although the personnel losses were heavy in this tragic event, it was not the worst combat loss of life in the history of the CH-47 Chinook helicopter. The most tragic non-combat loss of life occured on 11 September 1982, when 74-22292 crashed. As of 1 January 2002, this aircraft was 29.7 years old. As of 2 November 2003, the last known location of 91-00230 was in Iraq. Aircraft status: Shot Down.



The shoot down location of 91-00230 in Iraq.

          The final resting spot of 91-00230 in Iraq, 2 November 2003.



             Anybody have a grid coordinate of the crash site? Please send us an email.



          This aircraft was piloted by:


          CW4 Bruce Smith, 2003, KIA.


          1 LT Brian Slavenas, 2003, KIA.


          Your Name Here.



          This aircraft was crewed by:


          SGT Paul Fisher, FE, 2003, Deceased.


          SGT Gerald Santos, CE, 2003.


          Your Name Here.



          Related Sites


          The Attack on 91-00230



          The CH-47 - 40 years old and still circling the world.


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Last updated: 09/16/2017 17:00:07