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          A Fight in Afghanistan



91-00264, a CH-47D, lands on the roof of a house in Afghanistan to pick up suspects during Operation Mountain Resolve, approximately November 2003.


             91-00264, a CH-47D, lands on the roof of a house in Afghanistan to pick up suspects during Operation Mountain Resolve, approximately November 2003.


91-00264, a CH-47D, lands on the roof of a house in Afghanistan to pick up suspects during Operation Mountain Resolve, approximately November 2003.



Soldiers of the 10th Mountain Division stand by as a CH-47 Chinook helicopter delivers supplies during Operation Mountain Resolve in Afghanistan. The Soldiers are searching for terrorists and anti-Coalition fighters in Afghanistan's Kunar and Nuristan Provinces.


             18 November 2003: Soldiers of the 10th Mountain Division stand by as a CH-47 Chinook helicopter delivers supplies during Operation Mountain Resolve in Afghanistan. The Soldiers are searching for terrorists and anti-Coalition fighters in Afghanistan's Kunar and Nuristan Provinces.



Wednesday, 3 December 2003, Paktia Province, Afghanistan: U.S. Army Sergeant Ryan F. Leonard, of the 10th Mountain Brigade Combat Observation Lazing Team, mans the truck mounted 240B machine gun. Seen in the background, a CH-47D Chinook helicopter conducts transport operations. Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 87 Infantry, 10th Mountain division was operating as part of Operation Mountain Avalanche.


             Wednesday, 3 December 2003, Paktia Province, Afghanistan: U.S. Army Sergeant Ryan F. Leonard, of the 10th Mountain Brigade Combat Observation Lazing Team, mans the truck mounted 240B machine gun. Seen in the background, a CH-47D Chinook helicopter conducts transport operations. Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 87 Infantry, 10th Mountain division was operating as part of Operation Mountain Avalanche.



A CH-47D Chinook helicopter, escorted by an AH-64 Apache, flies through a snow covered mountain range in Afghanistan. It carries vital cargo and personnel to a Coalition facility. U.S. Army aviation assets are playing a key role in the "Global War Against Terrorism".


             7 January 2004: A CH-47D Chinook helicopter, escorted by an AH-64 Apache, flies through a snow covered mountain range in Afghanistan. It carries vital cargo and personnel to a Coalition facility. U.S. Army aviation assets are playing a key role in the "Global War Against Terrorism".



Thursday, 19 February 2004:  A U.S. Army soldier mans the Left Door Gunner position aboard a CH-47D Chinook helicopter while looking down onto a barren Afghan landscape en route to the inauguration ceremony for a Coalition-led Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) outpost in Asadabad, about 250 km (155 miles) from Kabul. The PRT program is attempting to assist the central government in extending its authority throughout Afghanistan by establishing regional outposts in areas most in need of increased security and stability.


             Thursday, 19 February 2004: A U.S. Army soldier mans the Left Door Gunner position aboard a CH-47D Chinook helicopter while looking down onto a barren Afghan landscape en route to the inauguration ceremony for a Coalition-led Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) outpost in Asadabad, about 250 km (155 miles) from Kabul. The PRT program is attempting to assist the central government in extending its authority throughout Afghanistan by establishing regional outposts in areas most in need of increased security and stability.



A crew chief conducts an in-flight check in a CH-47D Chinook helicopter on a flight from Jalalabad in Afghanistan. The soldier is assigned to C Company - "Flippers", 159th Aviation Regiment, home-based at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.


             19 February 2004: SPC Noah Hostert, Crew Chief, conducts an in-flight check in a CH-47D Chinook helicopter on a flight from Jalalabad in Afghanistan. The soldier is assigned to C Company - "Flippers", 159th Aviation Regiment, home-based at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.



A CH-47D Chinook door gunner looks out from his Chinook helicopter over the mountains of Khost Province in southeast Afghanistan.


             March 25, 2004: A CH-47D Chinook door gunner looks out from his Chinook helicopter over the mountains of Khost Province in southeast Afghanistan. The U.S. military opened a Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) in Khost to try to provide security and further reconstruction aid.



A U.S. Army CH-47D Chinook and his little buddy.


             March 27, 2004: A U.S. Army CH-47D Chinook and his little buddy - a UH-60 - conduct a mission over the mountainous Paktia province along the Pakistani border near Khost, about 200 km (120 miles) southeast of Kabul. The porous and mountainous border area between Pakistan and Afghanistan has been the subject of an intensifying search for al-Qaida and Taliban fugitives crossing the border into Afghanistan.



7 April 2004: Soldiers aboard a CH-47D Chinook helicopter land to refuel on a firebase at Orgun-E, Afghanistan. Army aviation assets are playing a critical role in helping U.S. Soldiers and Coalition forces destroy remnants of the Taliban regime and the Al Qaeda terrorist network during Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan.


             7 April 2004: Soldiers aboard a CH-47D Chinook helicopter land to refuel on a firebase at Orgun-E, Afghanistan. Army aviation assets are playing a critical role in helping U.S. Soldiers and Coalition forces destroy remnants of the Taliban regime and the Al Qaeda terrorist network during Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. Click-N-Go Here to view a larger version of this image [2.0 Mb].



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Last updated: 01/07/2021 20:12:53